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Innovative paths and creative future for Senegalese and Ivorian Youth

Pre-departure training for young people in process of emigration

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The Project is promoted by Piedmont Region and funded by the Ministry of the Interior - Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration, under the call for "International Collaborations and / or Cooperation and Assistance to Third Countries on Immigration and asylum". It is in continuity with regional development cooperation and pèresents a significant network of partnerships, built through the Piedmont Regional Food Security Program and the Poverty Reduction in Sub-Saharan Africa, which started in 1997.

È in questa logica che il progetto Percorsi creativi e futuri innovativi per i giovani senegalesi e ivoriani va a promuovere la partecipazione attiva dei numerosi partner piemontesi e africani coinvolti, consolidando partenariati territoriali per favorire l’evolversi di processi relazionali e di programmi di cooperazione più complessi. Infine il progetto, nell’attuale contesto italiano, assume un valore particolarmente importante, in quanto lo scambio di saperi, di competenze e di conoscenze tra i diversi soggetti , istituzionali e non, può incoraggiare l’acquisizione di ulteriori conoscenze della realtà locale africana necessarie per una gestione più consapevole dei processi migratori e di integrazione.

It is in this logic that the project "Innovative paths and creative future for Senegalese and Ivorian Youth" promotes the active participation of many Piedmontese and African partners involved, consolidating territorial partnerships to facilitate the evolution of relational processes and more complex cooperation programs. Finally, the project, in the current Italian context, is of particular importance as the exchange of knowledge, skills and knowledge between different actors, both institutional and non-governmental, can encourage the acquisition of further knowledge of the local African reality, needed for a better management of migration and integration processes.

Specifically, the project aims to:

  • Improve public policies and services aimed to youth employment, by strengthening the competences of African local authorities and consolidating the network of territorial partnerships involved;
  • Improve the young people skills in order to increase their level of employment.
  • Create new employment opportunities by supporting dependent and / or self-employed work in innovative sectors.

Planned activities

  • Organization of workshops for exchange and strengthening of the network of territorial partnerships involved;
  • Design and delivery of training and updating courses to public officials and youth workers;
  • Realization of continuous training activities for trainers;
  • Creation of training courses aimed at young people, highly specialized in productive sectors / expanding market sectors with high innovative content;
  • Realization of stages for young people participating in the training;
  • Provision of identification, support and accompanying activities to the creation of innovative start-ups by young people;
  • Realization of start-up presentations and B2B (Business to Business) meetings;
  • Preliminary activities aimed at identifying spaces of co-working and business sharing.
  • Strengthening Youth Information Centers in local realities to improve youth employment services and creating an Internet site / App to access to useful information to help young people's Orientation and valorise national programs.

The project concerns some areas of Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire, countries with a worrying rise in youth unemployment and a high propensity for migration to Europe. In particular, the project's activities will take place in 5 areas of Senegal:

  1. Pikine - Kelle Gueye area: Sardinia Region, Oristano Municipality, Cagliari Municipality, Kelle Gueye Municipality, Pikine Est Municipality, Association Amicale des Jeunes De Black Stars Pikine;
  2. Louga area: Turin Municipality, RE.TE., ENAIP Piemonte, Ville de Louga, CEFAM;
  3. Koussanar area: Bruino Municipality, Rivalta Municipality, MAIS, Commune de Koussanar;
  4. Koubalan area: Municipality of Asti, CPAS, APDAM, Commune de Koubalan, KDES, FAP;
  5. Malika area: Renken, NUTRIAID, Malika Municipality, Renken Senegal;


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