Become a donor, participate in the work of RE.TE.! Our projects are in many cases only partly funded. This means that to achieve them it is necessary to raise funds from people and institutions who believe in our interventions.
To help:
c/c of RETE Ong - Banca Prossima / Intesa San Paolo, Iban IT90 V030 6909 6061 0000 0060 761
c/c postal 42852111 - Associazione tecnici solidarietà internazionale
For Companies
It is impossible nowadays to remain indifferent to existing social inequalities in the world, more so if you are operating in a global business environment firsthand.
Very often we forget that the implementation of free market allows to economically operate in every part of the globe bringing great benefits to companies and Western communities, but this induced hides disadvantages and difficulties for other nations to which it is unjust to remain indifferent. It’s difficult, if not impossible, do not operate within these dynamics, but the fact remains that even small gestures can bring great improvements.
A company can help RE.TE. ONG driving development processes and improvement of social conditions of populations and communities in Africa, Latin America and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ensuring the implementation and continuity of the activities carried out by our collaborators and local partners who daily operate on the territory.
It’s just to stop thinking that it is impossible to change things; a small contribution can make a big difference..
To help:
c/c of RETE Ong - Banca Popolare Etica Iban IT38 Y050 1801 0000 0000 0116 874
c/c postal 42852111 - Associazione tecnici solidarietà internazionale