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What do we do

RE.TE. works for the protection of people’s rights, through fair, supportive and environmentalist alternatives. We use to cooperate together with other organizations engaged in the same goals and take action on global political issues, by the realization of concrete initiatives

Promotion of human rights

Food sovereignty and environmental sustainability

Social economy, training and access to employment

Education and information

What you can do

Our projects are only partly funded.

This means that raising funds from people and institutions who believe in our interventions is necessary.

Involve yourself directly in the work of RE.TE! Let’s stop to think that it is impossible to change the injustices of the world: a small contribution can make a big difference.

What are we doing

News and events

RE.TE. ong via Norberto Rosa 13/a 10154 Torino Tel: +39 011 7707388 Fax: +39 1782725520